House Facing Direction as Per Vastu

Best House Facing Direction as Per Vastu for Positivity

Every person has a dream to build a home where they can spend most of their time happily with their family members. While building a house you of think multiple times about which cement will be best to use to make your home strong. The house also protects from many problems like heat, cold, wind, rain, etc. But while deciding on material and look many often forget about Vastu which is equally important as material use in the house. Here in this blog, we have mentioned the best house-facing direction as per Vastu with simple remedies to bring positivity to your home to make it heaven. Read it and remove negative energies from the house.

Best Directions For Your House As Per Vastu: Which House-Facing Direction Is Best For You?

While building your dream house, as per Vastu, the direction of the main gate is very important because everything will come through the main gate. If the main gate direction is wrong then, negative energies may arrive and disturb your house energy. So, the East direction is considered the best direction for the house. So it is important to take advice from an expert Vastu Consultant. They will advise you on how to take maximum benefits of the east-facing house and earn more health and wealth. When the sun rises and sunlight hits your main gate will remove all negative energies which are roaming over there. This will remove negative and allow only positive energy to enter into your house.

Also Read: The Best 20 Vastu Plants For Home As Per Vastu Shatra

How To Determine The House-Facing Direction?

To determine the house-facing direction there are two ways: first is by mobile if you have and the second is by standing in front of the sun in the morning. By the first method, you open your mobile, open the compass app and locate your house direction. The second method is, to stand in front of the rising sun, the direction the sun is rising is called East, the left side is North, the right side is South, and the back side is West. these are two common methods used by many people to know direction. There are other methods, by using a compass, using magnets and needles. Look at your house gate and know which direction your house-facing is.

How To Check The Direction Of The House Via Phone?

Unlock your phone, open the compass in your phone, and place it on the table or on the ground to get directions. In the compass E, S, W, and N represent East, South, West, and North respectively. In the compass, the red arrow always shows the North direction and the opposite of it is the South.

House Facing Direction To Avoid: Southeast And Southwest

While building a house always try to avoid building the main gate in southeast and southwest directions. If you build a house and the face is southeast and southwest put tiles with Hanuman’s picture, or put 2 inches of yellow tape on the entrance to avoid entry of negative energies into the house. These two are self remedies, there are also some more remedies available like using a silver strip, a lead pyramid and helix, or some totkas to balance the energies of these areas. Before doing any type of remedy, you must consult with experts for better results, if you can afford it, otherwise use yellow tape remedies.

The Best Direction For Your House’s Main Entrance: Negative Effects On Your House As Per Vastu Directions

Direction For Your House Entrance
House Facing Direction as Per Vastu

The most advisable and favourable direction for your house entrance is northeast and east, which is also known as “Ishan-kon”. North-East is also best for a Prayer room where you can worship your Ishta Devata. While building your house try to open this place if possible because this direction has more positivity than other directions. Always try to keep this direction neat and clean as much as possible. The first priority is North-East, then East, then West, and lastly South.

In case you have built an entrance in the southwest which is the least preferred direction. Try to call experts and do remedies to stop negative effects. From some experts, you might heard that non-direction is bad because every direction has its own advantages and disadvantages. You might as have seen that some of your friends or known ones have entrance negative direction and they are growing in life. The reason behind this is that they have done remedies to block negativity from entering.

The south direction in most cases is not preferable for the house, if you planning for business then, this direction will give you the best results.

The Importance Of The House’s Main Entrance As Per Vastu Shastra

The main entrance is the entry point of everything, have you ever seen villages, like our old house? In that house the main gate has a wooden door frame below the ground, you might not know the truth of the wood. When we go out and come back, some negative energies will start following us and try to enter in house because below the wood frame on the main entrances, the link between you and that energy will break and not be able to enter in house. But as we get modern, many are not believing because these energies are not seen by the naked eye. So it is essential to protect the main entrance of the house from negative energies that try to enter it.

House-Facing Directions As Per Vastu: Other Effects

If you have a house west-facing is not very suitable for female family members, but it is an excellent choice for young family members. North-west facing house is good in terms of success, good health, and fortune. But the male family members will spend there most of the time outside of the home.

Vastu Tips For Housing Different Directions

In Vastu, each direction has its specific meaning, if you place or live according to direction, you will notice more self-confidence and love in family members with health and wealth.

Vastu Directions For The House: Bedroom

The southwest direction is the best for homeowners and they must keep their heads in the south direction and their legs in the north direction.

Vastu Directions For Home: Children’s Bedroom

The best place for children’s bedrooms is in the west or northwest direction. Their study room must be in the east or north, but while studying 

Vastu Directions For The House: Living Room

In the east or north direction is the best for the living room. If a gust comes to your home, then make their place to sit in the north direction room. If you are doing business then, you have a high possibility of cracking that deal.

Vastu Directions For The House: Kitchen

South-east is the suitable direction for the kitchen also known as “Agni kon”. In this direct keep your stove on the east side and make sure the stove does not touch the south side wall. While preparing food, your face should be in the east direction.

Vastu Directions For The House: Dining Room

You can build a room near kitchen because south-east is the best for the kitchen. The kitchen is the best place to have a meal with your family members. While having a meal, you should not face south direction.

Vastu Directions For The House: Pooja Room

North-east is the best for a pooja room to worship God and Goddess. This is the direction of peace, if in this direction, have a toilet then you and your daily will not leave with mental peace. As soon as possible call experts and do remedies. In most cases, you should remove the toilet seat and build a room but not a pooja room.

Vastu Directions For The House: Bathroom And Toilet

Southwest and northwest the suitable for bathrooms and toilets. If your toilet seat is in the south, then apply 2 inches red of tape around of seat. For the west direction apply blue color tape.

Vastu Directions For Home: Staircase

South is suitable for a staircase because it is very heavy and in the south, you must keep heavy items to block its negative effects. If is not possible to build a staircase in south the in whatever direction you building the staircase, keep some distance between the stair and the wall.

Vastu Directions For Home: Meditation Room

Northeast is the direction of pooja and mediation. If you do mediation in the northeast then you will feel in a few weeks, your mind is getting calm.

Main Door Vastu

The best direction for the main door is east, then north, then west and lastly south. If you building for business purposes then south is the best.

The Best Material To Use For The Main Door According To Vastu

If possible use chandan’s wood or mango’s wood for your main door. Try to avoid iron or steel doors or door frames. Steel represents Rahu and iron represents Shani Dev.

Best Main Gate Colours As Per Vastu

Yellow, silver, and white are the best colours for your main gate to bring luck to your house.

Ideal Main Door Size As Per Vastu

The ideal size of a main door is a minimum of 6 feet in height and 3 feet wide.

In Vastu Role Of Keys And Locks

Keys and locks play an important role, if you use keys and locks according to direction then the chances of negativity entering your home are very low.

Basic Vastu Principles For Home

If your house is not built according to Vastu then you must keep everything in well well-arranged manner and keep the house neat and clean. Keep the house neat and clean and everything arranged will bring good luck.

House Facing Direction To Attract Positive Energy

To attract positive energy in your house keep a fountain in front of your house inside your property. Keep your house inside and outside neat and clean. Place the money plant in the north direction, and make sure the plant will go straight upward, not downward.

Elements Help Remove Vastu Dosh From Home And Attract Money And Health

The best and cheapest way to remove vastu dosh is to clean your home by adding sea salt to the water. This will bring positive energy to your house. You can also sprinkle one teaspoon of raw milk while preparing chapati in the morning to remove vastu dosh.

Also Read: 150+ Positive and Motivational Thought of The Day

In Conclusion

The house is a place where many of you spend most of your time. Where most of the time are spent should have more positive feeling to be fresh and happy and spend quality time with your family when you come home from work. If possible while coming home from work, bring beautiful flowers for your spouse, this will make them happy and your happy mood attracts positivity. So be happy and spend a happy life in your sweet home.

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